Special Liquidation Deal
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Marvel Super Hero Squad Sippy Cups
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$3.00 72 Units = $216
$2.00 648 Units = $1,296
$1.50 1944 Units = $2,916

- The Marvel Super Heroes in this team of warriors include Hulk, Wolverine, Spiderman, Cyclops, and The Human Torch.
- Each of the five figures are portrayed in a cartoonish super deformed style on these two cups.
- The Marvel Super Hero Squad line of toys and action figures was designed for younger collectors.
- But has become a hit with fans of all ages despite the "for ages 3 and up" category status.
- These sippy cups are rugged and sturdy, and feature spill-proof lids, which means no messy puddles to clean up and no juice stains on the furniture.
- They hold 10 ounces of your little one's favorite beverage.
- They are also made with BPA free components, and disassemble completely and easily for thorough cleaning.
- Overall dimensions of the cups are 6"H from the base to tip of sippy spout and approximately 3" diameter at the widest point near the top.
To place an order please email:tom@closeoutservices.com