Special Liquidation Deal
FlexFit - Premium Quality Hats
Choose Your Price
$3.00 12 Units = $36
$1.25 144 Units = $180
$1.00 576 Units = $576
Flexfit Wool Blend
- Contents: 83% Acrylic / 15% Wool / 2% Spandex *White Color (98% Acrylic / 2% Spandex)
- Additional Features : Athletic Shape. Hard buckram. Silver undervisor.
- Premium wool blend. 8 rows of stitching on visor.
- Available Size, Colors and Stock : Purple LX - 576, Lime LX - 144, Carolina Blue SM - 576, Gold SM - 576,
Purple SM - 576.
Flexfit Garment Washed Cotton

- Contents: 98% Cotton / 2% Spandex
- Additional Features: Lightly structured. Garment washed cotton for vintage appeal.
- Classic low-profile cap. Matching undervisor. The quintessential dad hat.
- Available Size, Colors and Stock : Light Blue SM - 576, Orange SM - 144, Pink LX - 1152,
Light Blue LX - 720.
Flexfit Brushed Twill

- Contents: 98% Brushed Cotton / 2% Spandex
- Additional Features: Athletic Shape. Hard buckram. Silver undervisor. 8 rows of stitching on visor.
- Available Size, Colors and Stock : Natural LX - 1440, Natural SM - 864.
To place an order please email:tom@closeoutservices.com